Thursday, December 27, 2012

REMISE DE JOINT ORGANIC CERTIFICATE: Arvin Boolell plaide pour l’agriculture organique

Intervenant la semaine dernière lors d’une remise de certificats conjointe par le GEF-Small Grants Programme du Programme des Nations unies pour le développement et la Fondation ressources et nature au Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel au Caudan, le ministre des Affaires étrangères Arvin Boolell a fait un vibrant plaidoyer en faveur de l’agriculture organique à Maurice.

« Je pense que la production alimentaire organique est un créneau dans le secteur de l’agriculture, que Maurice, en tant que Petit état insulaire en développement, peut explorer et exploiter, non seulement pour atteindre notre objectif de sécurité alimentaire, mais surtout pour assurer à nos planteurs une subsistance décente. » C’est ce qu’a lancé le ministre des Affaires étrangères Arvin Boolell lors d’une remise de certificats conjointe par le GEF-Small Grants Programme du Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD), la Fondation ressources et nature (FORENA) au Labourdonnais Waterfront Hotel au Caudan à Port-Louis.

Le ministre a expliqué que le rapport 2012 du World of Organic Agriculture indique que le secteur de l’alimentation organique a progressé constamment ces dernières années et représente aujourd’hui un marché de plus de 59 milliards de dollars américains annuellement. « Pour les sceptiques, sachez que les petits états comme le Liechtenstein et les Maldives dédient de très larges portions de leurs terres fertiles à la production agricole organique. Ainsi le marché pour les produits alimentaires organiques augmente, et manifestement l’offre prend du retard », a ajouté Arvin Boolell. « J’estime par conséquent que notre part de production d’aliments organiques doit être plus large à l’avenir. »

Arvin Boolell intervenait en présence, entre autres, du UN Resident Coordinator-UNDP Resident Representative Simon Springett, de l’auditeur Gildas Valaharison, représentant de Eco-Cert pour la région Afrique de l’Est et océan Indien, du président de FORENA Manoj Vaghjee, du Dr Dumur, conseiller au ministère de l’Agro-industrie, de Pamela Dundoo-Bappoo, du GEF-Small Grants Programme (SGP) du PNUD et des représentants des quatre ONG qui ont reçu le soutien financier du GEF-SGP-PNUD. Celles-ci sont l’Association des Planteurs de St François, l’Association des Parents d’Enfants Inadaptés de l’île Maurice, la Maison Familiale et Rurale du Nord et l’Union Park Women Association. Ces quatre ONG sont les premières à Maurice à avoir reçu une attestation officielle pour leur production organique (voir encadré).
Le ministre Boolell a félicité les quatre petits planteurs qui ont reçu leur certificat pour leurs légumes, fruits et autres plantes médicinales aux normes européennes.

Une agriculture durable
L’agriculture organique est l’une des nombreuses approches possibles de l'agriculture durable. En fait, beaucoup de ses techniques – par exemple culture mixte, couverture du sol avec des déchets organiques, intégration de l’agriculture et de l’élevage – sont utilisées dans divers systèmes de production agricole. Ce qui lui donne son caractère unique est que, conformément à diverses lois et programmes de certification, presque tous les apports synthétiques sont interdits et des rotations des cultures “permettant la reconstitution du sol” sont obligatoires. Les systèmes d’agriculture organique convenablement gérés permettent de réduire ou d’éliminer la pollution de l’eau et aident à conserver l’eau et le sol sur l’exploitation.

Originally posted on Le Mauricien 27.12.12

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Internship Opportunity at CTA: Marketing Programme

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation ACP-EU (CTA) is a joint international institution of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union (EU). CTA operates under the framework of the Cotonou Agreement and is funded by the EU.
Their mission is to advance food and nutrition security, increase prosperity and sound natural resource management. They do this by providing access to information and knowledge, facilitating policy dialogue and strengthening the capacity of agricultural and rural development institutions and communities in ACP countries.
They now have an exciting opportunity for a young marketing professional. The intern will work closely with other team members and across departments to play an active and integral role in meeting objectives designed to accelerate our outreach and visibility. The intern will gain experience and exposure to tools and strategies, enabling you to better understand the dynamics of our sector and make a contribution to the organisation.
Under the guidance and supervision of the Marketing Programme Coordinator, the intern will be responsible the following activities:
  • Market Research, including:
    • Measuring impact on orders/downloads of monthly CTA Publishing e-newsletter
    • Online focus groups, surveys and questionnaires to gather reader feedback on Spore magazine
  • Social Media
    • Assist in the development of a social media policy for CTA, notably for the marketing component
    • Assist in the development and implementation of a social media marketing plan for CTA
    • Assist in running and monitoring of social media campaigns
  • Creation of ad hoc marketing materials.
    • Brief agencies on work to be done including advertisements, marketing products and campaigns
    • Ensure timely follow up with agency and project manager
  • Responsible for compilation of monthly internal newsletter
  • Assist in the organization, promotion and support of events where necessary
  • Assist with all other day to day marketing activities as necessary
  • Work as a part of the Marketing team providing insight, ideas and support
Qualifications and Experience
  • University degree / Masters in marketing, communication, business or related discipline
  • Recent graduate, between 22 - 29 years of age
  • 1-2 years experience in social media marketing preferred
  • Creative thinker who can work as part of a team and independently
  • Passion for delivering high standards when multitasking and working to tight deadlines
  • Flexible, self motivated and strong communicator
  • Fluent in French and/or English language, and/or a good working knowledge of the other.
  • Ideally familiar with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries
  • National of either one European Union member state or of one of the ACP states
Internship Details
  • Start date: 1st quarter 2013
  • Duration: 6 months (renewable once)
  • Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • Stipend: 800€ (holder of a Bachelor’s degree) to 1,000€ (holder of a Master’s degree).
  • Medical cover is provided for the duration of the internship
  • International travel from home country: not covered by CTA
Application Procedure
Interested candidates should submit documents listed below to with a copy to and enter the following text in the email subject field “Marketing Internship Application”
  1. One page motivational letter explaining why he/she qualifies for this position;
  2. Curriculum Vitae;
  3. Scanned copies of academic qualifications;
  4. Two letters of recommendations and / or references.
Deadline for application: 4 January 2013
Read original post on the CTA Website: Internship Opportunity at CTA: Marketing Programme

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Le Dr Dhaneswar Dumur nommé à la présidence du Board du Jardin de Pamplemousses

Le Board du Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden Trust (SSRBGT) a été reconstitué. Et c’est désormais le Dr Dhaneswar Dumur, Senior Technical Adviser au ministère de l’Agro-Industrie qui en assure la présidence.
Le renouvellement du Board fait suite à une décision du Conseil des ministres, ce vendredi 16 novembre 2012. Le nouveau président, le Dr Dhaneswar Dumur, a également été directeur de l’Agricultural Research and Extension Unit (AREU). Jugmohun Heerasing, nommé directeur du jardin le 28 septembre dernier, reste en poste.
Le nouveau Board, constitué de dix membres, regroupe ex-officiers, techniciens expérimentés et représentants des forces vives de Pamplemousses. Ils sont Nalini Brinda Payneeandy (acting-Principal Assisant Secretary au ministère de l’Agro-Industrie et de la Sécurité alimentaire), Chandrawtee Pothunnah-Aubeeluck (Tourism Planner au ministère du Tourisme et des Loisirs), V. Appadoo (Assistant Secretary au ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement durable), Manickchand Puttoo (directeur du National Parks and Conservation Service), Dr Tulsidas Naraidoo (directeur des ressources humaines), Jaykrishna Ramsewak (représentant des forces vives), Dr S. Ganeshan (Research Manager (Entomology) au MSIRI), Yousouf Mungroo (ancien directeur du National Parks and Conservation Service) et Soorooj Ramdewor (représentant des forces vives).
Le Dr Dhaneswar Dumur détient un doctorat et une maîtrise en agriculture. Ancien directeur de l’AREU et ancien chargé de cours à l’Université de Maurice, il est un membre directeur du Centre de coordination pour la recherche agricole pour les pays de la SADC.
Pour rappel, la nomination de Jugmohun Heerasing avait fait suite à la mise à pied de Chetanand Ramgoolam, l’ancien directeur du jardin. Avec, en toile de fond, la situation dramatique qui prévalait au jardin botanique, considéré comme un patrimoine du pays. Une situation qui avait alors été dénoncée par l’express.

Source: du 16.11.12

Mapping trees for food security in Mauritius


A crowdsourcing experiment was carried out in Mauritius to find out where the island’s breadfruit trees are located. However, the contributors’ lack of ICT skills made for disappointing results.

Breadfruit is a traditional crop in Mauritius that has been produced mainly in backyards. The authorities, however, identified breadfruit as an alternative source of carbohydrates for imported rice and wheat, which are the main staple foods in Mauritius. This resulted in a campaign to increase local breadfruit production for food security and export purposes.
In 2011, in line with the food security policy of the government, the Food and Agricultural Research Council established the Mauritius Breadfruit Sector Consortium. The consortium consists of public and private agricultural institutions collaborating to develop breadfruit production in Mauritius. The initiative is supported by the Platform for African-European Partnership on Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD). Its main aim is to develop a value chain approach and an action plan.
Since there are no commercial breadfruit farms in Mauritius and there are no orchards as such in the country, there are no official figures available about annual production. It is estimated to be more than 600 tonnes a year. The geographical location of breadfruit trees on the island is also unknown. For that reason, a crowdsourcing experiment using Google Maps was launched in Mauritius in February 2012 by the Mauritius Breadfruit Sector Consortium.
First, the consortium needed a platform for communication and information sharing among its stakeholders. They opted for a Wiki, because it would serve as a useful and accessible online platform for information sharing and collaboration. The consortium’s wiki supports Web 2.0 applications, so a Google Map was added. Google Map enables users to add breadfruit trees in Mauritius onto the map. It was chosen because it is a free web tool, with a user-friendly reputation. Pinpointing trees on the map is meant to benefit retailers, processors, exporters, and research scientists developing new varieties.
For each new entry, the tree needs to be labeled (for example, Breadfruit001) and people must provide their name and are encouraged to enter a description (for example, date spotted, flowering and fruiting stage, number and shape of fruit). Based on this information and the location of the tree, administrators can differentiate between useful and less useful entries. If there is any doubt regarding the location of a tree, the administrator adds a note to the description, and if no one responds, trees that appear to be wrongly placed will be removed from the map.
Mauritius Breadfruit Sector Consortium
Unfortunately, only two members of the consortium initially contributed to the map after it was introduced. Feedback began trickling in from other consortium members who said that they were having difficulty adding trees to the map as they did not understand how to use Google Maps. This led to the development of a tutorial, in order to respond to the needs of the consortium members and the public.
The tutorial was accompanied by training sessions, and the platform was massively promoted on social media. This led more people to contribute, though it became apparent that the public needed time to understand the use and importance of the Google Map platform before contributing. The main problems are trees being placed in wrong locations on the map (in the sea or in the middle of a street), so the administrator has to check new entries regularly and remove wrongly placed trees.
Moreover, when the crowdsourcing activity started, breadfruit was in season, so trees were easily spotted because they had large leaves and spherical or oblong fruits. As the fruiting season came to an end, contributions to the Google Map slowed down too.
The result is that there are presently over 60 trees on the map with descriptions. A disappointing result so far if one considers that there are an estimated 3,000 or more breadfruit trees on Mauritius. Furthermore, contributors did not use GPS on their cell phones to add a tree. The trees were mainly entered on computers. In some cases, partners confirmed that these tools are meant for the youth, despite training sessions and product demonstrations. Another disappointment is that until now the consortium has been unable to receive any input from the farming community due to a lack of promotion by traditional means, such as radio and national television, since not many farmers use social media networks.
Several months after the implementation of the Google Map, however, consortium stakeholders are already using the map to locate trees for different purposes. For example, by using this map, samples were taken at different locations for research purposes, propagation and sales. The project managers have learned from the difficulties and are continuing with the activity to get the 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

PRODUITS AGRICOLES: Expo-vente au Jardin botanique du 13 au 14 octobre

Une exposition-vente de produits agricoles est prévue au Jardin Botanique Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, à Pamplemousses, du 13 au 14 octobre. Cela en marge des célébrations marquant la Journée mondiale de l’Alimentation 2012 dont le thème est « Améliorons notre sécurité alimentaire».

Une des principales composantes de cette exposition sera la mise en place d’un salon de la pomme de terre. L’objectif est de montrer la réussite de la culture de ce féculent à Maurice mais aussi d’éduquer la population sur les diverses utilisations de la pomme de terre — comme un aliment de base et un substitut pour le riz.

Selon le ministère de l’Agro-industrie, les corps para-étatiques tombant sous sa responsabilité présenteront leurs réalisations ainsi que leurs nouveaux projets. Des stands seront mis à la disposition des participants gratuitement. Un salon culinaire et une dégustation gratuite de plats à base de pommes de terre seront également prévus. Un dépliant sur la valeur nutritive de la pomme de terre sera distribué à cette occasion. Il y aura aussi des démonstrations sur une alimentation saine et les différentes façons de préparer la pomme de terre.

Par la même occasion, un livret intitulé « Mesures incitatives et autres services offerts au secteur de l’Agro-Industrie », qui se veut être un précieux document de référence, un outil surtout pour les planteurs et les éleveurs, sera distribué. L’expo-vente sera ouverte de 10 h à 18 h.
Par ailleurs, un atelier de travail d’une demi-journée sur le thème « Pomme de terre ; aliment de base et substitut pour le riz » et une exposition de photos retraçant l’histoire de la pomme de terre sont prévus le lundi 15 octobre au Domaine Les Pailles.

Source: Le Mauricien 10.10.12

GCARD: More than a mere conference!

October 2012 is going to mark an important event for those involved in Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D). More than 600 people from all over the world will attend the Second Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD2), organized by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), in association with CGIAR, the global partnership that unites organizations engaged in research for a food secure future. We expect close to 1,000 people to participate to the conference remotely, through our webcasting and social reporting.

Development changes needed to achieve the Millennium and Development Goals (MDGs) are often complex and require actions and interactions of multiple stakeholders at national, regional and international levels. The GCARD process is about reshaping agricultural innovation and its significance in meeting key MDGs. It brings together all sectors involved in AR4D: The public sector, national and international policy makers, agricultural Institutions, agricultural research systems managers, leaders of farmer organizations and cooperatives, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, universities, private sector enterprises in agri-business and farming, investors, donors and philanthropic organizations etc..

The GCARD process also provides a unique mechanism to collectively examine the realities of achieving impacts at scale and what steps and changes will need to be put into place now to reap the benefits of agricultural research, knowledge and innovation in meeting national and international development needs.
  • Collective focus on key priorities as determined & shaped by science and society
  • True and effective partnerships between research and those it serves
  • Increasing investments to meet the huge challenges ahead
  • Enhancing  capacities to generate, share and use agricultural knowledge for development
  • Effective linkages that embed research in wider development processes and commitments
  • Better demonstration of impacts and returns from agricultural innovation

Monday, September 17, 2012

YPARD Latest funding opportunities - 17th September 2012

YPARDTerra Viva Grants

Funding News Bulletin

This bulletin provides twice a month information about available funding opportunities which are posted on the website. If you have any comment or question about this information service, please contact the YPARD team at

Latest funding opportunities

IDRC: Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship

01 Oct 2012
Canada's International Development and Research Center (IDRC) administers the Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship for graduate students who wish to undertake on-farm research with cooperating farmers in one or more developing countries.

The research should focus on the use of fertility-enhancing plants — such as leguminous forages, shrubs, cover crops, and grain legumes — on small farms. Research should seek cropping-system changes that will lead to some of these results:

European Union: Intra-ACP Mobility Support at the Doctoral Level for Africans

05 Oct 2012
The European Union funds the Intra-ACP Mobility Scheme to enhance education, research, and intercultural exchange among the countries of the ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) group.

The current call for applications is directed to citizens and residents of African countries at the PhD level in thematic areas that include agricultural sciences, natural sciences, and others.

Elsevier Foundation: Awards for Early-Career Women Scientists in the Developing World

15 Oct 2012
 Read more

Volkswagen Foundation: Post-Doctoral Research on Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa

30 Nov 2012
The Volkswagen Foundation invites junior and senior post-doctoral African researchers to apply for its program on "Livelihood Management, Reforms, and Processes of Structural Change."

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): PEER Science, 2nd Cycle

04 Dec 2012
USAID and the NSF jointly support Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Science. PEER Science invites scientists in 87 eligible developing countries to apply for funds to support research and capacity-building of importance to USAID, and conducted in partnership with NSF-funded collaborators.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Internship Opportunity: Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) Programme

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), an international organization based in Wageningen, The Netherlands, has an opening for an intern for a period of 6 months, renewable only once. The intern will work as a member of the CTA Communications Services Team.
CTA’s mandate puts emphasis on facilitating access, exchange and dissemination of information in the fields of agriculture and rural development. The Communications Services Department plays a critical role in the realization of the above. CTA envisages increased activity output in the area of ICT for development.
The intern will assist in supporting the ARDYIS (Agriculture, Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society) project and in other ICT for rural development activities for ACP countries.

Under the guidance and supervision of the relevant ICT4D Programme Coordinator, the intern will perform the following tasks:
1. “Agriculture, Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society” Project:
a. Animation of web 2.0 spaces (Facebook, Twitter, etc.);
b. Animation of the website of the project (based on the Joomla CMS) ;
c. Contribution to the facilitation of the youth network;
d. Assistance in the relation to youth project implementation (organization of competitions, workshop, training, etc.)
2. Contribution to other ICT for development activities:
a. Support for the implementation of activities on ICTs in agricultural value chains
b. Assistance for the organization of web2.0 training
c. Other tasks as requested by the supervisor or the Department Manager

Qualifications and Experience
  • Recent graduate, 22-29 years of age;
  • Graduate from university or a similar institution of higher education in agriculture, sociology, information and communication or related field;
  • Knowledge of issues related to ICT for development;
  • Experience in website update; the knowledge of the Content Management System Joomla is a plus but not mandatory (training can be provided to the intern);
  • Familiarity with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries is a plus;
  • Thorough knowledge of one of the Centre's two working languages (French or English) and a satisfactory knowledge of the other working language of the Centre;
  • Strong computer skills;
  • Excellent communications, interpersonal skills and organizational skills;
  • National of either one European Union member state or of one of the 78 ACP states.

Internship Details
  • Start date: November 2012;
  • Duration: 6 months (renewable once);
  • Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands;
  • Medical coverage is provided for the duration of the internship;
  • International travel, if required, will not be covered by CTA;
  • Internship stipend.
Participation in CTA activities will give you an invaluable experience at the international level.

Application procedure
Qualifying candidates are invited to forward before 18 September 2012
  • One-page motivational letter explaining why he/she qualifies for this position;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Scanned copies of academic qualifications;
  • Two letters of recommendations and / or references.
Interested candidates should submit the documents listed above to (with copy to and enter the following text in the email subject field: [ict4d internship application]
More information on CTA:
Mr. J-C. Burguet
CTA - Head of Administration & Human Resource Department
Ref. HRD
PO Box 380
6700 AJ Wageningen
Tel: +31 (0) 317 467100
The Netherlands
Source: CTA

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ivorian agricultural scientists open up their research

Dear readers: An initiative to to be inspired from!

[ABIDJAN] More than a dozen agricultural research institutes in Côte d'Ivoire have agreed to open up access to their research results and raise farmers' awareness of their work through a shared online platform. 

The aim is to increase the uptake of new and existing technologies and research findings, and eventually to boost agricultural production in the country and West African region.
The creation of the platform was agreed in May, and a planning workshop was held in Grand Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire, last month (19-20 July). It was attended by researchers and other stakeholders, including ministry officials and science communicators, who exchanged experiences on the best ways to disseminate research results. 

According to Pierre Ackah Angniman, executive director of the Interprofessional Fund for Agricultural Research and Counseling (FIRCA) — the organisation that will fund and run the research platform — scientists have decided to set up a national database of research results and technologies to improve research openness and popularisation.

They have also agreed to coordinate the outreach activities of different agricultural organisations.
Angniman told SciDev.Net that a committee will shortly be created to manage the platform and to work on raising awareness of existing agricultural technologies. 

"It's a matter of enlisting the help of professional agricultural organisations, which can help us convey messages efficiently to farmers, so that they can implement [research findings] that may boost their productivity and also allow them to increase their incomes," said Germain N'dri, a researcher at the University of Abobo-Adjamé in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. 

N'dri said that each participating research institute will be provided with a communication officer to support the project. 

He also explained that the platform will be integrated with existing initiatives managed by the Economic Community of West African States and implemented by the World Bank's West African Agricultural Productivity Program, which is working to disseminate research findings in the region.
Justin Koudougnon, an agricultural research engineer based in Côte d'Ivoire, said the establishment of a common system of information and communication on agricultural technologies is a strong initiative, and should lead to the better communication of research results to farmers.

"In Africa, the agricultural sector's low productivity is mainly due to the weak adoption of available technology, and the inefficiency or lack of mastery of technological resources," Koudougnon commented.

Théodore Kouadio
14 August 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

University of Mauritius Vacancy: Research Assistant (Faculty of Agriculture)


tuberculosis uomApplications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Research Assistant on the project entitled “Potential of local seaweed resources as alternative feed ingredients in pig diets” funded by the Mauritius Research Council Solicited Research Grant Scheme.
The recruitment and appointment will be on an assignment basis for a period of 3 months as from 1 September 2012.
Applicants should have a good Honours Degree in Agriculture or related fields.
Preference will be given to candidates who:
  • Have knowledge in seaweeds and animal feed analysis and formulation
  • Are computer literate and have good communication skills
The position carries a fixed, all-inclusive monthly salary of Rs 20,000.
Applications accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) should reach the undersigned by Tuesday 21 August 2012.

Assoc Prof M F Driver

Faculty of Agriculture; University of Mauritius


Applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Only the best candidates will be called for an interview. The University reserves the right not to make any appointment as a result of this advertisement.
Source: University of Mauritius

Monday, August 6, 2012

YPARD Monthly Newsletter - August 2012

YPARD Monthly Newsletter - August


Monthly Newsletter

This is a monthly subscription.
Keep updated on YPARD on-line and off-line activities worldwide, funding and job opportunities, updates on partner news and the latest news in ARD for young professionals!
This newsletter is just a small overview of what YPARD is working on and a small selection of information; visit the website regularly for more!!

August 2012 issue


Is bio-economy an alternative for young people to regain interest in agriculture?

The last event of the celebration of the 45th anniversary of CIAT was the so-calledWorld Cafe, organised by YPARD-LAC and ALCUE-KBBE and where participants were asked the question: Is bio-economy an alternative for young people to regain interest in agriculture?

Counting down before the International Youth Day (IYD) 2012!

Tell us about your partnership initiatives for youth inclusion for agricultural development!

On August 12, we will be celebrating the Youth on International Youth Day. The assigned theme for 2012 is: Building a Better World: Partnering with Youth, meant to celebrate and solicit action together with and for the youth!

"Seeing Thoughts" video contest - moving onto capturing youth stories into documentaries!

We are moving onto the second and final phase of the YPARD Seeing Thoughts video contest : elaborating documentaries.

Ending the Academic year with New projects for next year! - YPARD Sierra Leone's feedback

As the academic year draw to an end at Njala University, the newly founded YPARD Sierra Leone local working group members have volunteered to create further sensitization in their various communities while on vacation. Statistics from our last meetings held on the 27th of June 2012 at Sierra Leone’s National Agricultural Training Centre (NATC) and on the 28th of June 2012 at Njala university main campus put the numerical strength of our membership at 75. We have 30 members at NATC and 45 at Njala main campus.

"Yes, agriculture offers great career opportunities! YPARD community can prove it!" by YPARD in WFO's newsletter of July, 2012

YPARD had the opportunity to publish an article in World Farmers Organization's newsletter of July. Featuring testimonials from YPARD Community: Arthur Chinsman William, Nawsheen Hosenally, Machteld Schoolendberg, Olawale Ojo, Michael Kwabena
YPARD had the opportunity to publish an article in World Farmers Organization's newsletter of June. We showcased the study we conducted on youth skills required by Today's generation in agriculture. (p.17)

YPARD Community Blog

FANRPAN Youth Case Studies Twitter Campaign starting on 1st August 2012!

Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity in Mauritius, 9-13 July 2012

Some tips to new Agriculture Graduates on the job market

Yesterday evening, I opened my Facebook page and could not miss the status updates of my friends of the Faculty of Agriculture who passed their final year exams and are going to graduate soon...

YP of the Month

Natalia Lozano, from Peru!


Working with small-scale farmers in Peru

When I was a child, my grandfather always talked about his life in Santiago de Chuco – a village located in the highlands of Peru - and how much he wished he hadn’t left it. As a lot of people, my grandparents had to travel to a major city (Trujillo, capital of La Libertad)...
Read more

Featured News

ARDYIS events in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-23 May 2012 - All the resources

On the occasion of the 2012 Conference of the African Chapter of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD) the ARDYIS project organized a series of activities, which took place from 20 to 23 May in Johannesburg, South Africa.

BioVision.Nxt 2013, application by Nov 15th

BioVision.Nxt 2013
24-26 March, Lyon, France
Registration for BioVision.Nxt 2013 is Now Open
The World Life Sciences Forum, BioVision, invites 100 promising PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to attend the 3-day forum, BioVision.Nxt, which will be held on 24-26 March in Lyon, France

AISA Young Graduates and Scholars (AYGS) Conference 2013

The Africa Institute of South Africa’s  (AISA)  Young Graduates  Scholars (AYGS) Conference will be held with the theme 2050 – Africa’s future on the horizon: Prospects and challenges for development from  Read more


ILRI vacancy: communication specialist – CCAFS East Africa

13 Aug 2012
Vacancy Number: CS/CCAFS/07/12
Department: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Duration: 2-year contract Renewable

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA): Calls for Proposals with Deadlines in August 2012

10 Aug 2012
ASARECA makes research grants to improve agricultural productivity in Eastern and Central Africa.
It invites research in the following topics, all of which have August deadlines for concept notes:
Source: YPARD

Friday, August 3, 2012

YPARD Funding News Bulletin - 3rd August 2012

Latest funding opportunities


Funding News Bulletin

This bulletin provides twice a month information about available funding opportunities which are posted on the website. If you have any comment or question about this information service, please contact the YPARD Team at

Latest funding opportunities

Bioversity International -- Abdou-Salam Ouédraogo Fellowship 2012, Deadline extended

05 Aug 2012

This fellowship offers up to US$10 thousand for research on conservation of genetic resources of forest tree species in two priority topics:

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA): Calls for Proposals with Deadlines in August 2012

10 Aug 2012
ASARECA makes research grants to improve agricultural productivity in Eastern and Central Africa.
It invites research in the following topics, all of which have August deadlines for concept notes:

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie): Systematic Review Call 5

31 Aug 2012
3ie ~ International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
3ie invites proposals for systematic reviews to strengthen evidence-based policy making related to development issues and strategies.

AWARD: African Women in Agricultural Research and Development 2012

07 Sep 2012

African Union: Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Award 2012

08 Sep 2012

The African Union (AU) honors outstanding African scientists through the Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards for fields that include agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, and energy innovation (among others).
The program seeks to recognize outstanding science at the continental level. The Continental Scientific Award carries a prize value of US$100 thousand.

CRDF Global: GIST Technology Idea Competition

24 Sep 2012
Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) supports innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs from eligible countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to participate in the GIST Tech-I Competition.
GIST seeks innovative ideas that have potential to become technology solutions to critical problems in agriculture, energy, ICT, and related areas.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Post-Graduate Studies in Climate Change 2013-2014

30 Sep 2012
The IPCC Scholarship Program builds capacity in the understanding and management of climate change in developing countries.
The program is open to PhD-level students at recognized educational institutions who are younger than age 30.
Proposals should address:

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Netherlands Fellowship Programs

02 Oct 2012

The Netherlands Fellowship Programs (NFP) provide training and education in the Netherlands for mid-career professionals from 61 developing countries.

Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative: USA-India Science Collaboration

01 Nov 2012
USIEF logo
The United States - India Educational Foundation (USIEF) supports partnerships between U.S. and Indian institutions of higher education to strengthen collaboration and build partnerships.
Proposals in the following fields are eligible:

EC Erasmus Mundus: PhD Research in Agricultural Development at European Universities, AGTRAIN 2013

01 Nov 2012

Six European universities collaborate to offer the program Agricultural Transformation by Innovation (AGTRAIN):
Source: YPARD